Didattica 2015/16

Corso di " Analisi Statistica dei dati" Prof. G.Punzi

Inizio corso Lunedi' 5 settembre 2016 - ore 10 - aula 163

Il calendario delle lezioni successive verrà stabilito durante il primo incontro.


Course in Theoretical Physics:  "Introduction to Quantum Solitons and Nonperturbative Effects in NonAbelian Gauge Theories"

Start date:   Tuesday  7/6/2016

-  Tuesday and Friday,   11:00 - 13:00 - Room 248 (1st floor- Bdg. C) by Dr. S.Bolognesi and Prof. K.Konishi

(1) Solitons in gauge theories (4-6 hrs)
Domain walls, Dirac monopoles, 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles. Bogomolnyi equations. Vortices. 

(2) Instantons in Quantum Mechanics and in Yang-Mills theories in 4D.
      U(1) anomaly, U(1) and strong CP problems in QCD. (6hrs)

(3)  Introduction to Supersymmetric gauge theories (6 hrs).

(4)  Elements of homotopy groups (4hrs).

(5)  Elements of algebraic geometry (4hrs). 

(6)  Seiberg-Witten solutions in N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories. (4hrs)

(7)  Some recent developments on 2D CP(N-1) theory with boundaries   (2hrs) 


Introduction to galaxy dynamics and stellar nucleosynthesis

We plan to offer an introductory course which covers two fundamental
topics in astrophysics: galaxy dynamics and stellar and cosmological
nucleosynthesis. The course is mainly addressed to people who did not
already study these arguments. The total course will be of about 40
hours: 20 for galaxy dynamics and 20 for nucleosynthesis. The course
will start around April 10 2016, with 4 hours per week.

The section of galaxy dynamics will be teach by prof. Bertin (full
professor at Milan University) with the following general program:

Examples of dynamical and dissipative instabilities in systems governed by rotation and gravity.
Examples of local and global solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson equations of astrophysical interest.
Examples of local and global stability in self-gravitating disks, in the context of dispersive waves, suggested by spiral galaxies and accretion disks.
Effects of weak collisionality in some stellar systems.

The section of nucleosynthesis will be teach by researchers of the
Physics Department in Pisa (Degl'Innocenti, Marcucci, Paolicchi, Prada
Moroni, Shore, Tognelli) with the following general program:

Nuclear reaction mechanisms in stars.
Main evolutionary characteristics and nucleosynthesis in the following
stellar evolutionary phases : Pre-Main Sequence (burning of light
elements), Main Sequence (hydrogen burning through proton-proton chain
and CN-N= by-cycle), Horizontal Branch and clump stars (He burning
reactions), asymptotic giant branch (neutron production chains and
proton and neutron capture processes on nuclei).
Essentials of cosmological nucleosynthesis.

For information about the section of galaxy dinamics please write to
Prof. Bertin (e-mail: giuseppe.bertin@gmail.com) while for information
about the nucleosynthesis section please write to Scilla
Degl'Innocenti (e-mail: scilla.deglinnocenti@unipi.it).