XXXV Ciclo (2019-2022)

Chiara Animali
Laurea: Pisa (2019)
Ricerca: Theoretical Cosmology
Supervisore: G. Marozzi
Stanza: C162
Piano studi:
Tesi: Theoretical Cosmology
I was born in Chiaravalle, in Marche, on August 8, 1992. I received the scientific high school diploma at Liceo Scientifico Leonardo da Vinci in Jesi with final grade 100/100, then I moved to Pisa where I obtained my Bachelor degree in Physics and my Master degree in Theoretical Physics both with 110/110. During my Master Thesis, supervised by Dr. Giancarlo Cella, I worked on a bimetric theory of gravity with a double Standard Model content, focusing on the stochastic background of primordial gravitational waves of inflationary origin. My research interests range in different areas of theoretical cosmology, such as the physics of the very early universe, inflation and the quantum nature of cosmological perturbations, but also on the study of cosmological late time observables as the Cosmic Microwave Background and the Large Scale Structure. Besides physics, I like nature excursions, drawing and photography.
Elio Bottalico
Laurea: Pisa (2019)
Ricerca: High Energy Physics (Muon g-2 Experiment, E989)
Supervisore: Graziano Venanzoni
Stanza: C249
Telefono: +39 050 2214611
Piano studi:
I was born in Pescia on July 1994. In 2013 I got my scientific High School Diploma in Montecatini Terme, a small town in Tuscany. In September 2013 I started my undergraduate studies in Pisa. In 2017 I got my BS in Physics, with the thesis entitled "La scoperta del Positrone". In the same year I started by MS on Fundamental Interactions. During the work on my Master thesis I had the opportunity to spend 2 months at Fermilab to work at the Laser System for the experiment "Muon g-2, E989". I got my Master Degree in 2019 with the thesis entitled "Study of the calorimeter gain fluctuations of the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab" under the guide of my supervisor Graziano Venanzoni. My PhD project, based on high precision physics beyond the Standard Model, starts from the work done during the MS Thesis and it is finalized to measuring the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon at 140 ppb, that showed in the previous experiment a discrepancy with the Standard Model by 3.8 sigma. In particular, I work on data analysis to reach the final goal of E989 in terms of systematic error, equal to 100 ppb. In addition to Physics I love to play acoustic guitar, listen music and take photos of moon and deep sky.
Emilio Cipriano
Piano studi:
I was born in Lauria (Basilicata) in 1992. I got both my Bachelor and Master degrees in Physics at the University of Pisa. The title of my Master Thesis, supervised by Prof. Michela Tosetti and Dr. Laura Biagi, was "Study of brain networks through structural and functional connectivity using Magnetic Resonance Imaging". I have been carrying out my thesis project at the Laboratory of Medical Physics and Biotechnologies for Magnetic Resonance at the IRCCS Stella Maris Foundation in Calambrone (Pisa). My research interests involve the development and application of advanced Magnetic Resonance techniques, focusing on research into biomarkers for neurological diseases during brain development and for neurodegenerative diseases affecting the brain in the late adulthood. I am interested in data analysis model for the study of brain connectivity as well.
Gloria Conte
Laurea: Pisa (2019)
Ricerca: Nanophotonics
Supervisore: A. Pitanti
Piano studi:
Tesi: Polarization Optomechanics
I obtained both my Bachelor Degree in Physics and my Master Degree in Matter Physics at the University of Pisa. In my master thesis work I performed simulations, fabrication processes and characterization measurements of Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers under the supervision of Prof. Alessandro Tredicucci and Dr. Alessandro Pitanti. During my studies, the field of Nanophotonics especially raised my interest. This field is now the topic of my PhD project.
Gianfranco Cordella
Laurea: Pisa (2019)
Ricerca: Simulations of fluids
Supervisore: D. Luperini
Stanza: B162
Piano studi:
I was born in Grottaglie (Puglia) on April 1995. In 2014 I got my scientific High School Diploma in Grottaglie and then I have moved to Pisa to study Physics. In 2017 I obtained my Bachelor Degree at University of Pisa with 110/110 cum laude. Then I have got my Master degree in Theoretical Physics at University of Pisa with 110/110 cum laude. My thesis was about the study of cosmological perturbations through a new model of quantum gravity based on fake particles and my supervisor was Prof. D. Anselmi. My research consists in quantum gravity and theoretical aspects of quantum field thoery in curved space. Moreover, I am interested in cosmological applications of quantum gravity.
Eugenio Ferrato
Supervisore: F.Califano and T. Andreussi
Piano studi:
I graduated in Aerospace Engineering with highest honors in May 2017 at the University of Pisa, with a Thesis on modelling and experimental validation of an air-breathing plasma propulsion system for applications in very low Earth orbits. Since June 2017 I work as R&D engineer at SITAEL, an Italian company focused on satellite platforms and advanced space propulsion systems. Here I participated to the research, development and testing of 5 kW and 20 kW class plasma thrusters. My research aims at investigating the physical processes of atmospheric plasma confinement, ionisation and electrostatic acceleration underlying the working concept of air-breathing electric propulsion.
Giovanni Franchini
Laurea: Bari (2019)
Ricerca: Theoretical cosmology and gravitational waves (LIGO)
Supervisore: G. Cella
Stanza: C170
Telefono: +39 050 2214899
Piano studi:
Tesi: Stochastic gravitational waves backgrounds
I attended my bachelor’s and master’s in physics (curriculum theoretical physics) at Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro". In my bachelor’s thesis I studied the Sagnac Effect from the point of view of special relativity, while in my master’s thesis, in the framework of theoretical cosmology, I studied the correction to the gravitational waves propagation equation due to a modified gravity model, and its consequences on the concept of luminosity distance. In both cases my supervisor was Dt. Luigi Tedesco, and the final mark was 110/110 cum laude. My scientific interests are about theoretical cosmology, gravitational waves, general relativity, modified gravity models.
Gaia Germanese
Laurea: Pisa (2019)
Ricerca: Superconducting Detectors
Supervisore: F. Giazotto
Stanza: NEST Laboratories
Piano studi:
I was born in Campobasso in 1990 where I got my Scientific high school diploma (mark 100/100 cum laude). I studied Physics in Pisa, where I obtained my bachelor degree, discussing a dissertation about "Einstein Coefficients and Planck's Distribution" supervised by Professor K. Konishi. During my Master Thesis in Physics of Matter, I fabricated and characterized a Mid-infrared Quantum Cascade Detector with a Graphene Field-Effect read-out at NEST Laboratory, supervised by Professor A.Tredicucci. I obtained my MS with 110/110 cum laude on June 2019. Then I joined the Superconducting Quantum Electronics Lab (SQEL) group of Dr. Francesco Giazotto at NEST Laboratory. My research will focus on detectors based on superconducting systems.
Paolo Girotti
Laurea: Bologna (2019)
Ricerca: High Energy Physics (Muon g-2)
Supervisore: M. Incagli
Stanza: C249
Telefono: +39 050 2214611
Piano studi:
Tesi: The Laser Calibration System of the Muon g-2 Experiment
I was born in the coastal city of Riccione, where I attended the scientific high school. Then, as my passion for science and physics grew, I studied and received my BSc and MS degrees in Physics at the University of Bologna. My Bachelor's Thesis was about the simulation of the Xenon1T experiment at Gran Sasso. During the first year of my Master degree in Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics I participated to the "Summer School at Fermilab" organized by UniPi. During these two months of internship I started working for the Muon g-2 experiment, where I contributed to the hardware of the Laser Calibration System. Graduated with a Thesis about the calorimeters' calibration using a laser system, I am now happily continuing my work for Muon g-2 with a PhD position here in Pisa. Among my many hobbies, you can find astrophotography, game coding, trekking, science fiction, videogames, Rubik's cube, and piano.
Priyanka Giri
Laurea: Pisa (2019)
Ricerca: Gravitational Waves (Virgo)
Supervisore: F. Fidecaro
Stanza: C72
Telefono: +39 327 6690081
Piano studi:
I worked on modeling of high-finesse optical filter cavities for the reduction of scattering losses in Advanced Virgo. I found the frequency cutoff needed to improve the efficiency of the filter cavity used in Advanced Virgo for reduction of quantum noise. And, I am currently working on the optimization of the interferometer global working point, which includes both the compensation of optical aberration and the tuning of the interferometer alignment and longitudinal controls, in view of the next observing runs O4 and O5. The absorption of the laser power by the mirrors causes a thermal expansion of the optic itself along the optical axis (thermo-elastic effect) and an increase of the optical path length of the light inside the cavities due to the refractive index fluctuations (thermal lensing) with TCS and ISC groups in Virgo. I am also working on finding the angular correlations for the stochastic background using LIGO O2-O3 datasets.
Peter Seigo Kincaid
Laurea: Birmingham, GB (2018)
Ricerca: Optomechanics
Supervisore: D. Ciampini
Stanza: B78
Telefono: +39 351 7778494
Piano studi:
Tesi: Optomechanical Measurements of Temperature Fields
I was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1996. I moved to England after two and a half years and grew up just outside the Peak District, I obtained my GSCEs and A-levels at "Highfields School for Performing Arts". I completed a MSci. degree in Physics (with International Study) from Birmingham University, and as part of the course I completed one year of study at the University of British Columbia, Canada. I graduated in July, 2018, my master's degree thesis was entitled 'Generating and Characterising a Bose-Einstein Condensate' and my supervisor was Dr. Giovanni Barontini. I'm interested in applied science, in particular areas in which scientific research can make a positive impact on society. Outside of academia, I'm interested in climbing in all forms and also languages.
Lorenzo Maio
Laurea: Roma Sapienza (2019)
Ricerca: Lattice QCD
Supervisore: M. D'Elia
Stanza: C170
Telefono: +39 050 2214899
Piano studi:
I was born in Milazzo (Sicily) in 1994. I attended the scientific high school "Antonio Meucci", then I got my Bachelor degree in Physics at the University of Messina in October 2016. Then, I moved to Rome where I attended "La Sapienza" University and obtained my Master degree in Theoretical Physics in July 2019. My thesis was titled "Disconnected Terms in Electromagnetic Corrections to Weak Decays" and my supervisors were Prof. Guido Martinelli and Dr. Francesco Sanfilippo. I am interested in Theoretical High Energy Physics, in particular in numerical simulations on Quantum Chromo-Dynamics on the lattice. Beside physics, I have practiced at competitive level football and rowing. Currently I keep fit going to the gym.
Andrea Marasciulli
Laurea: Pisa (2019)
Ricerca: Laser-plasma acceleration (ILIL)
Supervisore: L. Gizzi
Stanza: INO-CNR
Telefono: +39 050 315 2257
Piano studi:
Tesi: Area: new LPA acceleration scheme: ReMPI
I was born in Grottaglie (South Italy) on 21 April 1995 and I have done all my undergraduate path at the University of Pisa. I took my MS in Physics ("Fundamental Interactions" curriculum) with mark 110/110. My Master Thesis reports on the novel large-area SiPM-based photodetector of the DarkSide-20k experiment. My PhD is focused on the acceleration of particles through laser-plasma interactions.
Riccardo Nunzio Pilato
Laurea: Pisa (2019)
Ricerca: High Energy Physics (MUonE collaboration)
Supervisore: G. Venanzoni
Stanza: C249
Telefono: +39 050 2214611
Piano studi:
I was born in Naples on January 1995 and grown up in Ischia, the largest island of the Gulf of Naples. Here I got my Scientific High School Diploma, then I moved to Pisa to study Physics. I obtained my Bachelor Degree in 2016 and my Master Degree in 2019, focusing my studies on High Energy Physics. During my Master Thesis, supervised by Dr. Graziano Venanzoni, I had the opportunity to work on the feasibility of the MUonE experiment. It aims to determine the hadronic contribution to the muon g-2 using an innovative approach, based on the measurement of the hadronic contribution to the running of the electromagnetic coupling constant via mu-e elastic scattering. My Thesis work was based on the analysis of two sources of systematic effects: the multiple scattering and a constant, correlated systematic error. In the PhD, I will continue my activity in the MUonE Collaboration. Besides physics I like sports, especially basketball, and cooking.
Matheus Rodrigues Medeiros Silva
Laurea: UEL/Brazil (2019)
Ricerca: Theoretical Cosmology
Supervisore: G. Marozzi
Stanza: C162
Piano studi:
I was born in São Paulo (Brazil) in 1994. I got my Physics degree at UNESP/Brazil, where I developed research in Materials Science with FAPESP scholarship (Supervisioned by Ph.D. Carlos J. L. Constantino). I obtained my Master degree at UEL/Brazil, where I developed research in Theoretical Physics/Cosmology. I applied the Geodesic Light Cone (GLC) coordinates to the calculation of drift (i.e change in time) of both astrophysical and cosmological observables, respectively the drift of the direction of observation (parallax and aberration) and the redshift drift. These observables are related with a new sub-field of Cosmology, dub as Real-Time Cosmology. During my Master degree I was supervised by Ph.D. Thiago dos Santos Pereira. I am currently working in Theoretical Cosmology under supervision of Ph.D. Giovanni Marozzi. My major interests are GLC coordinates, Real-Time Cosmology, Large Scale Structure and Inflation.
Tiziano Schiavone
Laurea: Rome (2019)
Ricerca: Theoretical Cosmology
Supervisore: G. Marozzi and G. Montani
Stanza: C162
Piano studi:
I was born in Rome in 1993, where I obtained scientific high school diploma (P.N.I. curriculum) at “Liceo Scientifico Evangelista Torricelli” with a mark of 100/100. I studied at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” for Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Master’s degree in Theoretical Physics, both with a final mark of 110/110. My bachelor's thesis concerned Plasma Physics, in particular the Magnetohydrodynamics as fluid description of a plasma. Besides, I attended two Plasma Physics summer schools, one at Culham Centre for Fusion Energy and another one in Lisbon. I moved my research interest to Gravitation and Cosmology during master's course. I studied f(R) modified theories of gravity and inhomogeneous models of Universe for my master’s thesis. The principal aim was to determine the evolution of inhomogeneous perturbations in the late Universe, in order to highlight differences between the standard cosmological model, LCDM, and alternative models based on modified gravity. My current research interests concern Theoretical Cosmology, in particular modified gravity, the dark energy problem, the large-scale structure of the Universe and the effects of spatial inhomogeneities as well.
Nunziato Sorrentino
Laurea: Pisa (2019)
Ricerca: Gravitational Waves Experimental Physics (LIGO Virgo collaboration)
Supervisore: M. Razzano
Stanza: C69
Telefono: +39 050 2214384
Piano studi:
I was born in Torre del Greco (Naples) in 1993. I moved to Genova where I attended the scientific High School (Liceo Scientifico) "L. Da Vinci". In 2016 I obtained my Bachelor degree in Physics at the University of Genova and then I moved to the University of Pisa, where I obtained my Master degree in Physics (2019). I have always been interested in Astronomy and Astrophysics and during my educational path I was fascinated by high-energy Astrophysics and Gravitational Waves and thus I decided to commit myself to this research. I worked on simulation of high energy phenomena involving the X-ray polarimetric emission from pulsars, establishing their observability during the next observation plan of IXPE, the next-generation X-ray polarimetry-sensitive telescope. I then changed my main focus, working inside the LIGO/Virgo collaboration on the characterization of detectors for gravitational waves and studying signals coming from continuous gravitational waves emitters, such as non-axisymmetric, rapidly rotating neutron stars. My additional interests are playing guitar and make improvisation theatre performances.