XXXIV Ciclo (2018-2021)

Barsanti Marco
Laurea: Pisa (2018)
Ricerca: Topological solitons
Supervisore: S.Bolognesi
Stanza: 169 Ed.C
Piano studi:
Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato
Poi: dopo il dottorato
I was born in Pescia, a small town in Tuscany, on September 1989. In 2008 I obtained my scientific High school Diploma in Pescia and then I moved to Pisa to study physics at University. In February 2013 I got my bachelor degree and in April 2018 my master's degree at University of Pisa. The title of my thesis was: "Higher corrections to non-Abelian vortex low-energy dynamics" and my Supervisor was Prof. Stefano Bolognesi together with Prof. Kenichi Konishi as co-Supervisor. My research interests regard the different applications of topological solitons to different areas of physics such as nuclear physics, condensed matter and high-energy physics.
Cardinali Marco
Laurea: Pisa (2018)
Ricerca:Lattice QCD and Yang-Mills theory
Supervisore: M.D'Elia
Stanza: 170 Ed.C
Piano studi:
Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato
Poi: dopo il dottorato
I was born in Poggibonsi (Tuscany) on September 1994. In 2013 I got my scientific High School Diploma in Colle di Val d'Elsa (Tuscany) and then I moved to Pisa to study Physics. In 2016 I got my Bachelor degree and in 2018 my Master degree. My thesis was titled "Topological Properties of SU(3) Yang-Mills Theory with Double Trace Deformation" and my Supervisor was Prof. Massimo D'Elia. My research are is high energy physics, in particular Monte-Carlo simulations of lattice Yang-Mills theories. Besides Physics I enjoy landscape photography, role playable games and soccer.
Carullo Gregorio
Laurea: Pisa (2017)
Ricerca: Analisi dati di coalescenze compatte attraverso onde gravitazionali
Supervisore: W.Del Pozzo
Stanza: 70 Ed.C
Piano studi:
Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato
Poi: dopo il dottorato
I obtained both my bachelor degree in Physics and my master degree in Theoretical Physics (Fundamental interactions) at the University of Pisa.
My master thesis was focused on the characterization and the parameter estimation of ringdown signals coming from coalescence of binary black holes.
I currently work in the Data Analysis group of Virgo (Pisa group) under the supervision of Dr. Walter Del Pozzo.
I am interested into the characterization of black hole binaries and on the developments of new tests of General Relativity from these signals.
I am also interested into modelling the effect of exotic states of matter or black hole mimickers on ringdown signals.
Ciampalini Gaia
Laurea: Pisa (2017)
Ricerca: Two dimensional materials based sensors
Supervisore: A.Tredicucci
Stanza: 77
Piano studi:
Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato
Poi: dopo il dottorato
I was born in Pietrasanta in 1990. I got both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Physics at the University of Pisa.
My master thesis focused on the dynamics of solvents employed as protein stabilizers, by means of neutron scattering and dielectric spectroscopy. After my master’s degree I had the opportunity to carry on the work I started for my master thesis. In my thesis and in the following year I performed experiments in large facilities such as ILL (Grenoble), MLZ (Munich) and ELETTRA (Trieste). For my PhD project I changed my field of research focusing on sensors based on 2D materials. Beside physics I love sports, I do kickboxing regularly and I also enjoy play soccer or volleyball with friends. I also love ski and trekking. For many years I studied classical ballet.
Corona Luigi
Laurea: Pisa (2018)
Ricerca:High energy physics (Belle II Collaboration)
Supervisore: F.Forti
Stanza: Ed.C
Piano studi:
Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato
Poi: dopo il dottorato
I was born in Cagliari, where I attended schools and where I obtained the Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the University of Cagliari. In 2015 I moved in Pisa where I obtained the Master's degree in Physics. My studies have concerned Fundamental Interactions, focussing in particular on Particle Physics.
For my Master Thesis I concentrated on the Dark Sector searches at electron-positron colliders, studying the production of a light dark gauge boson Z' in association with a muon pair in electron-positron annihilation at the center of mass energy of 10.58 GeV in the Belle II experiment. I perfomed the full MC simulation, I studied a possible selection of signal events and its optimization for the rejection of the background and I performed a very preliminary comparison between MC and the first data taken by the Belle II experiment (April-July 2018). Through my analysis it was possible to estimate the limits to a specific Dark Sector model, which introduces the Z' boson extending the symmetry group of the SM, obtainable in the Belle II experiment.
During my thesis I worked with the Pisa Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) group of the Belle II collaboration and I was involved in the development of the calibration method of the algorithm used by the SVD to estimate the hit time of particles that cross each sensor. The calibration is important since precise timing information are used to reject background events, which are off-time with respect the event time.
At present, I am a member of the SVD group of Belle II and I am still working on the Dark Sector analysis and on the validation of the developed calibration method.
Finelli Francesco
Laurea: Roma (2018)
Ricerca: Plasma Physics
Supervisore: F.Califano
Piano studi:
Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato
Poi: dopo il dottorato
I was born in Massafra and raised in Taranto, where I attended primary to high school, the latter at Liceo Scientifico "G. Battaglini" (PNI curriculum). Then I studied in Rome at University of Studies "La Sapienza", where I obtained both my Bachelor's and Master's degree, the former in Physics with a dissertation on Landau damping and the latter in Theoretical Physics with a dissertation on beam-plasma instability, both 110/110 cum laude. Now I'm studying and researching in Pisa for my Ph.D. and my subject of interest is in Plasma Physics, in particular, the study of turbulence in space plasma via data analysis and simulations.
Giambastiani Davide
Laurea: Pisa (2018)
Piano studi:
Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato
Poi: dopo il dottorato
I was born in La Spezia on August 1993, where I got my scientific high school diploma. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Physics and my Master’s degree in Theoretical Physics from University of Pisa. In my Master’s thesis, supervised by Prof. Maria Luisa Chiofalo, I studied the effects of a light-induced spin-orbit coupling in the BCS-BEC crossover of quantum atomic Fermi gases.
In 2016, I worked at Science Festival in Genoa.
Besides physics, I enjoy running, reading fantasy and science fictions.
Landini Giacomo
Laurea: Pisa (2018)
Supervisore: A.Strumia
Stanza: 168 Ed.C
Piano studi:
Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato
Poi: dopo il dottorato
I was born on June 1994 in La Spezia, where I attended the scientific high school "A.Pacinotti". I obtained my Bachelor's and Master's degree at the University of Pisa. In my Master's thesis work, supervised by prof. Enrico Meggiolaro, I studied the interactions of axions with photons and mesons using different chiral effective Lagrangian models.
My research interests focus on theoretical high energy physics, in particular on the phenomenology of the fundamental interactions, new physics beyond the Standard Model and QCD.
Besides physics I enjoy listening to music, playing the saxophone, the bass guitar and reading books.
Lari Enrico
Laurea: Pisa (2018)
Piano studi:
Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato
Poi: dopo il dottorato
I was born in Portoferraio, Isola d'Elba, on February 1992. Then I moved to Cecina (Tuscany) where I attended the scientic high school "E.Fermi".
In 2011 I started my studies in Physics at the University of Pisa where I got my Bachelor degree in 2015 and Master degree in High Energy Physics in 2018 with a thesis performed in the NA62 experiment at CERN, titled "Study of multi-electron Kaon decays and measurement of the neutral pion dalitz decay form factor and branching ratio", supervised by Prof. M.Sozzi and Dott. G. Lamanna.
In the meanwhile I attended two summer schools focused on Plasma physics (2015) and Hadron Collider Physics (2017).
In winter 2017-2018 I won a scholarship of INFN to spend a three-moth period at CERN, focused on the subject "Photon identi cation at NA62".
Besides physics, my interests are in programming languages and sports (especially rugby).
Lovarelli Giuseppe
Laurea: Pisa (2018)
Ricerca: Trasporto trasversale di elettroni in eterostrutture bidimensionali
Supervisore: G.Iannacone
Stanza: 17 Ed. B
Piano studi:
Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato
Poi: dopo il dottorato
Nato e cresciuto vicino a Milano. Ho studiato Fisica e poi Fisica Teorica all'Università di Pisa, dove mi sono laureato nel 2018 con tesi intitolata "Aspects of non-equilibrium quantum field theory: from Stefan-Boltzmann law to particle number density", relatore M. Mintchev. Dal mese di gennaio 2019 collaborerò col professor G. Iannaccone a ingegneria dell'informazione, dove mi occuperò di studiare il trasporto trasversale di elettroni in eterostrutture bidimensionali. A livello di interessi personali: sono un amante della natura e dello stare all'aperto, mi piacciono la cucina, il teatro, vari sport (ho praticato tennis per anni, nuoto e gioco regolarmente a pallavolo e calcetto, anche se non sono granché)
Lucchesi Leonardo
Laurea: Pisa (2018)
Ricerca: Quantum transport modelling in nanoscale devices.
Supervisore: G.Iannacone
Stanza: Lab. QuEPE-Dip. di Ing. dell’Informazione
Piano studi:
Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato
Poi: dopo il dottorato
I was born in Viareggio (Tuscany) in 1993. I obtained my bachelor and my master at University of Pisa, but I studied for a year at LMU in Munich during the master, where I discovered my passion for Theoretical Condensed Matter physics, non-equilibrium problems in particular. In my master thesis, supervised by Prof. M. L. Chiofalo, I worked on the generation of ground state entanglement in ultracold Fermi gases for metrological uses, in particular for atom interferometry. During my PhD I will be supervised by Prof. G. Iannaccone, as I will work mainly on modelling of quantum transport in nanoscale devices, an interesting class of non-equilibrium problems. Besides physics, I have maybe too many interests: I like singing, playing my guitar, motorcycles, fixing broken stuff, playing roleplaying games and board games, cycling and hiking, but strictly one at a time.
Marchetti Luca
Laurea: Pisa (2018)
Ricerca: Quantum Gravity Phenomenology
Supervisore: G.Cella
Stanza: 70 Ed.C
Piano studi:
Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato
Poi: dopo il dottorato
I was born in Ancona (Marche), on August 1993. I got the fifth year diploma in pianoforte at Conservatorio Giovanni Battista Pergolesi in Fermo and my scientific high school diploma at "Liceo scientifico Corridoni-Campana" (Osimo) with final mark 100/100 in 2012. Then I moved to Pisa, where I took my Bachelor's (2015) and Master's (2018) Degrees in Physics, both with 110/110 cum laude. During my training as theoretical physicist I developed an interest towards gravitation and in particular towards the attempts to formulate a quantum theory of gravity. Because of this, in my Master Thesis work "Using correlations to experimentally search for Quantum Gravity effects" (supervised by Prof. Giancarlo Cella) I studied a Quantum Gravity phenomenological model and I proposed an interferometric experimental setup designed "ad hoc" to detect Quantum Gravity effects. I am interested in the "Quantum Gravity problem" in all its facets, but in particular in phenomenological implications of Quantum Gravity in cosmology and black hole physics and in their experimental investigation through gravitational waves physics. I am a co-founder of the Comparative Quantum Gravity group, which consists in master and PhD students discussing (and studying) different topics and approaches to Quantum Gravity.After a hard day of work I usually clear my mind working out and playing football or, when I need to relax, playing the piano.
Parolia Shubhi
Laurea: Pune, India (2016)
Piano studi:
Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato
Poi: dopo il dottorato
I was born in Agra (city of Taj Mahal), India. I did my bachelors from Agra and masters from university of Pune with specialization in Astronomy and Astrophysics. I did my masters thesis in 2016, on “Estimation of Performance Parameters for Proposed G-APD based Gamma Ray Astronomy Telescope”, Department of High Energy Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India. After masters, I did various projects in CMS detector. My research interest lies in experimental high energy physics and currently I am part of CMS experiment group in Pisa. Would be involved in phase-II upgrade of CMS tracker. Some areas that excite me are di-Higgs searches, beyond standard model physics including searches for dark matter and supersymmetry. I wish to work on machine learning approach in the physics analyses.
Signorini Carla
Laurea: Milano (1983)
Stanza: 32 Ed.B
Piano studi:
Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato
Poi: dopo il dottorato
Carla Signorini was born in Rome in 1958. She got a master degree in Physics at Milan University with a thesis on DNA macromolecule conformational stability. From biophysics, she moved her research interest first to semiconductor physics and then to photovoltaics for space applications, working in Italian high technology companies like STMicroelectronics and FIAR/Leonardo.  In 1991 she joined the European Space Agency technology center in the Netherlands. In 28 years at ESA, she contributed to all European space missions with cutting edge technology: e.g., she developed the solar generators for extremely low temperature and low light intensity conditions enabling the Rosetta mission. In the last 8 years she has been the head of the ESA electrical engineering department in charge of radiofrequency systems, microelectronics, data systems, power systems and space environment effects.
She is the author of several scientific and technical publications and is member of the scientific committees of international conferences. At the end of 2018 she started a PhD in Physics at the University of Pisa to fulfil her interest for cosmological research.
Sisti Manuela
Laurea: Pisa (2018)
Supervisore: Francesco Califano
Stanza: 43 Ed.C
Piano studi:
Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato
Poi: dopo il dottorato
I was born in La Spezia in 1994 and raised in Tuscany. I attended classical High School (Liceo Classico "G. Leopardi") in Aulla (Tuscany). I obtained both my Bachelor (2016) and Master (2018) degree in Physics at the University of Pisa. My Master thesis, under the joint supervision of Prof. F. Califano (University of Pisa) and Prof. Matteo Faganello (Aix-Marseille University), was focused on space plasmas, more specifically on the interaction between Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and magnetic reconnection at the Earth's magnetospheric flanks. In October 2018 I started my Ph.D. at Aix-Marseille University working on the interaction between magnetic reconnection and turbulence in an astrophysical context via data analysis and simulations. I'm currently in the Plasma Physics group at the University of Pisa under the framework of cooperation between the two universities.