XXXIII Ciclo (2017-2020)
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Bonanno Claudio Laurea: Pisa (2017) Ricerca: Study of the phase-diagram of QCD by means of numerical Monte Carlo simulations on the lattice. Supervisore: M.D'Elia Stanza: 169 Telefono:2214898 Piano studi: Adv. Topics in Quantum Field Theory, Cosmologia del primo universo. Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato Poi: dopo il dottorato |
I was born in Pescia (Tuscany) in 1993 and I currently live in Larciano (Tuscany), a small town near Vinci, the hometown of Leonardo. I attended the scientific college “Amedeo di Savoia Duca d’Aosta” in Pistoia (Tuscany) and graduated in 2012 with final mark 100/100. Then, I took both my Bachelor’s Degree (2015) and my Master’s Degree (2017) in Physics at the University of Pisa, both with 110/110 cum laude. During my Master’s Degree I focused my studies on Theoretical Physics, in particular Quantum Field Theories and their lattice formulation, and I developed a strong interest in Quantum Chromodynamics. In my Master’s Thesis work, supervised by prof. Massimo D’Elia, I studied the topological properties of the CP^(N-1) model using lattice Monte Carlo simulations. This theory is an interesting toy model to study non-perturbative QCD and its lattice formulation constitues an ideal test-bed to try new algorithms and new ideas to be used in LQCD. My plan is to continue the study of LQCD and of non-perturbative QCD during the PhD. My other interests besides physics are music (I play the electric guitar) and Japan, in particular japanese culture (both popular and traditional). |
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Carra Pietro Laurea: Pisa (2017) Ricerca: Development and characterization of new technologies for Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography, including scintillators, photodetectors, read-out electronics and data acquisition systems Supervisori: G.Sportelli/M.Luise Stanza: numero Telefono: numero Piano studi: Nuclear Measurement, Sistemi Complessi. Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato Poi: dopo il dottorato |
I attended the scientific liceum Ariosto-Spallanzani in Reggio Emilia, where I obtained my diploma in2012 with a mark of 100/100. I got my bachelor's degree in physics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, with a dissertation about the information transfer between groups of dynamic variables within complex systems. I took my master's degree at the University of Pisa, with a final mark of 110/110 cum laude, specializing in medical physics. In particular, my master's thesis was about the development and experimental test of detectors and FPGA-based read-out electronics for the measurement of time-offlight. My main research interests are scintillators and photodetectors in general and their relative read-out electronics, data acquisition systems and analog electronics. I am also interested in machine learning and artificial intelligence, with a special focus on implementing AI algorithms in hardware. I enjoy reading and listening to music.... |
Clemente Giuseppe Laurea: Pisa (2017) Ricerca: Metodi spettrali in causal dynamical triangulations Supervisore: M.D'Elia Stanza: 170 Telefono: 2214899 Piano studi: Adv. topics in Quantum Field Theory, Introduction to Physical Cosmology. Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato Poi: dopo il dottorato |
I was born in Palermo on March 1993, where I got my scientific high-school diploma and my conservatory diploma in piano. In 2012 I moved to Pisa, where I got both my bachelor's and master's degrees (cum laude). In my master Thesis "New directions for Causal Dynamical Triangulations", supervised by prof. Massimo D'Elia, I investigated algorithmic and physical topics in the framework of Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT), a numerical approach to quantum gravity whose purpose is the non-perturbative renormalization of the Einstein-Hilbert theory in the asymptotic safety scenario via Monte-Carlo simulations; my contributions to this field are on one hand the development of a new algorithm to cure some slow modes in the simulations, on the other hand the introduction of new techniques of analysis based on the spectral properties of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on sampled configurations, which allow to define observables describing geometries at all scales, lacking in the foregoing CDT literature. I am interested on every aspect of the "Quantum Gravity Problem", and for this reason decided to estabilish the Comparative Quantum Gravity Group, made up of master and PhD students, where we weekly discuss various topics from different approaches, critically interrelating them (group's blog). On my spare time I also impart piano lessons and practice mountain biking. |
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Del Pizzo Alessandro Laurea: Pisa (2017) Ricerca: progetti REPORT e RUMBLE del programma INTERREG tra Francia e Italia sul rumore dei porti. Supervisori: G.Licitra/F.Fidecaro Stanza: numero Telefono: numero Piano studi: Acustica ambientale+Acustica fisica, Analisi statistica dei dati. Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato Poi: dopo il dottorato |
I come from Maiori, a small town on the Amalfi Coast, near Salerno. I attended the Science High School, Liceo Scientifico in Italian, in Amalfi. I moved in Pisa in 2007, in order to study Physics at the local university. In 2011, I obtained my bachelor degree, with the thesis Propagazione delle vibrazioni meccaniche nella pavimentazione stradale, while in 2017 I earned a master's degree in Physics, with the thesis Implementation of a laser profilometer for road texture measurements and its correlation with rolling noise. My current research is based on the further perfectioning of the profilometer and the development of a new model that relates texture levels and noise emission. I am also studying the possibility to develop railway pads made of rubber crumb from end-of-life tyres. My main interests lie in experimental physics, especially acoustics and optics; I am fond of any kind of data analysis, electronics and technology. I hope to learn more and more about these topics during my PhD studies. I love studying languages and cultures: I currently take Chinese classes at the Confucius Institute in Pisa, and have an HSK 3 certification - B1 Chinese level; however, I am planning to extend my knowledge to other languages in the future. I am also a teaching assistant for the course of Acoustics at the Physics Department, University of Pisa. During my spare time I practice Muay Thai and boxing. After a hard day's work, a nice video gaming session is more than welcome. My webpage is always up to date, and provides information about my latest researches. |
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Di Gregorio Giulia Laurea: Pisa (2017) Ricerca: analisi dati in ATLAS per lo studio del decadimento del bosone di Higgs, prodotto in associazione con bosoni vettori, in coppie di quark b-anti_b. Supervisore: F.Scuri Stanza: numero Telefono: numero Piano studi: Fisica sper. alte energie II, Informazione quantistica I. Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato Poi: dopo il dottorato |
I was born in Macerata in 1993, where I got my scientific high-school diploma at “Liceo scientifico Galileo Galilei”. In 2012 I moved to Pisa for university where I have obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Physics in 2015 and my Master’s degree in Physics of Fundamental Interactions in 2017. During my master degree I won a scholarship for the CERN Summer Student Program and I spent two months at CERN Laboratory in Geneva. The title of my master thesis is “Studies of the response stability for long term photomultiplier operation in the ATLAS hadronic calorimeter and a new method for the photomultiplier gain measurements”. My future plan is to continue to work with the ATLAS laser calibration team and to start the analysis of the decay of the Higgs boson in b-bbar. |
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Fadanelli Sid Laurea: Ricerca: Supervisore: F.Califano Stanza: numero Telefono: numero Piano studi: corsi Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato Poi: dopo il dottorato |
Dottorando in co-tutela con l’Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier (Francia). Progetto di ricerca in collaborazione “Fundamental dissipation mechanisms in space plasmas using observations from the NASA Magnetosheric Multiscale (MMS) mission”. |
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Laghi Danny Laurea: Perugia (2015) Ricerca: Study of the Quasinormal Mode Spectrum of Kerr's Black Holes Supervisore: W. Del Pozzo Stanza: 108 Telefono: 2214344 Piano studi: Cromodinamica quantistica, Analisi statistica dei dati. Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato Poi: dopo il dottorato |
Education: -) Sept 2013 - Sept 2015: MSc in Physics, University of Perugia, Italy. Last grade: 110/110 cum laude. Thesis: "Dynamical Regimes of the Generalized Gross-Pitaeviskii Equation in a Double Well Trap". Supervisors: Andrea Trombettoni, Gianluca Grignani. -) Sept 2010 - Sept 2013: BSc in Physics, University of Perugia, Italy. Last grade: 110/110. Thesis: "EPR Paradox and Bell's Theorem". Supervisor: Gianluca Grignani. Professional Experience and Scholarships Prior to the PhD: -) SISSA Postgraduate Fellowship at SISSA, Trieste, Italy. Affiliation: Statistical Physics Sector. -) CNR-IOM Research Fellowship at SISSA, Trieste, Italy. Affiliation: DEMOCRITOS National Laboratory, Italian National Research Council. Local Supervisor: Andrea Trombettoni. -) SISSA Undergraduate Fellowship at SISSA, Trieste, Italy. Affiliation: Statistical Physics Sector. |
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Pagano Giulia Laurea: Pisa (2017) Ricerca: Gravitational waves from compact binary systems. Supervisore: W. Del Pozzo Stanza: numero Telefono: numero Piano studi: Effective field theories, Cosmologia del primo universo. Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato Poi: dopo il dottorato |
I was born in 1993 and I have attended the "liceo scientifico statale Amedeo di Savoia duca d'Aosta", in Pistoia. I've moved to Pisa for univeristy, where I've obtained my Bachelor's degree in Physics (2015) and my Master's degree in Theoretical Physics (2017). The title of my thesis is "Extra polarisations of relic gravitational waves from a Brans-Dicke theory with axion-gauge dynamics": it was aimed at developing predictions for non-standard polarisations in the stochastic background of gravitational waves from an alternative theory of gravity, primarly by means of quantum field theory. In my spare time I also love travelling, painting and listening to music. |
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Pilleri Alessandro Laurea: Pisa (2017) Ricerca: Image Reconstruction techniques in medical imaging. Supervisore: N.Camarlinghi Stanza: numero Telefono: numero Piano studi: Risonanza magnetica, Analisi statistica dei dati. Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato Poi: dopo il dottorato |
I was born in Iglesias (south-west Sardinia) where I attended the ITIS "G. Asproni" and got my Information Technology high school diploma with final mark 100/100. I moved to Tuscany in 2005 to attend the Physics Course of the University of Pisa where I graduated with 108/110. During the B.Sc. thesis, I studied the effects of confinement on the glass transition temperature of ultra-thin polymeric films at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. During the M.Sc. degree at the University of Pisa, I studied Medical Physics and I got graduated in 2017 with 110/110 (cum laude). The topic of the M.Sc. thesis, supervised by Dr Niccolò Camarlinghi, was the development of an accurate model of a pre-clinical Positron Emission Tomography scanner in order to improve the spatial resolution of the image reconstructed by the tomograph using iterative image reconstruction algorithms. My current research interests focus on the study and improvement of the image reconstruction process in PET and others related imaging systems. Since 2007 I work in the Italian High School as a teacher of "information technology laboratory" or "physics laboratory". |
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Pisani Francesco Laurea: Pisa (2017) Ricerca: progettazione, realizzazione e caratterizzazione di dispositivi fotonici nel medio infrarosso e terahertz, nell'ambito del progetto MIR-Bose. Supervisore: A.Tredicucci Stanza: numero Telefono:numero Piano studi: Fisica dei dispositivi fotonici, Astrobiologia. Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato Poi: dopo il dottorato |
I was born in Pisa in the 1992. I achieved the scientific high school diploma in the “Liceo scientifico F. Buonarroti” (Pisa) with the score 95/100. I achieved my bachelor degree in Physics in the Physics Department Enrico Fermi (university of Pisa) with 106/110 in October 2014. My supervisor was Andrea Macchi and the thesis was about “Mie resonances in nanoshell”. I attended the courses in Plasma Physics in Pisa and achieved my master degree with 110/110 (cum laude) in June 2017. My supervisor was Andrea Macchi and the thesis was about “Few cycles surface plasmon polaritons by rotating wavefronts pulses”. I won a PhD position in the Physics Department Enrico Fermi (university of Pisa) starting in November 2017 and ending in November 2020. My supervisor is Alessandro Tredicucci and I work on Photonics and Plasmonic. |
Puglia Claudio Laurea: Pisa (2017) Ricerca: Caratterizzazione delle proprietà di trasporto elettrico e termico in dispositivi mesosocopici superconduttori nell'ambito della Caloritronica Coerente. Supervisore: F.Giazotto Stanza: Laboratorio NEST Studio 1.1 Telefono: numero Piano studi: Materiali nanostrutturati, Informazione quantistica I. Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato Poi: dopo il dottorato |
I was born in Erice in 1993. I graduated at the Departement of Physics Enrico Fermi of the University of Pisa. My Master thesis dealt with “Phase-coherent Josephson thermal router”, a superconducting mesoscopic device that can guide the heat current through different output with the application of a magnetic field. I won a Ph.D. position at the University of Pisa in November 2017. I’m working with my supervisor, Dr. F. Giazotto, on the characterization of thermal and electronic transport properties in superconducting devices. My main research interests are the superconductivity devices both for the fundamental theory and practical applications and the quantum computation. In my spare time, I love to develop my passions and interests such as playing volleyball, traveling and reading. | |
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Shafiei Negin Laurea: Shahid Beheshti University - Theran (2016) Ricerca: VBF Gamma Plus jets. VBF+Gamma jj Supervisore: P.Azzurri/A.Rizzi Stanza: numero Telefono: numero Piano studi: Advanced particle physics + Pisa Future collider school 2018, Plasmi. Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato Poi: dopo il dottorato |
I am a physics graduate student with expert knowledge in theoretical particle physics, I studied gauge-gravity duality in my master's courses. I am interested in Experimental particle physics and phenomenology, and currently working in the CMS experiment doing data analysis. |
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Tripodo Antonio Laurea: Pisa (2017) Ricerca: Studio di sistemi fisici e complessi tramite la Teoria dell’Informazione. Supervisore: D.Leporini Stanza: 170 Telefono: numero Piano studi: Sistemi disordinati fuori equilibrio, Metodi numerici della fisica teorica. Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato Poi: dopo il dottorato |
I was born in Messina where I attended the liceo scientifico "Archimede" and got my high school diploma with final mark 100/100 cum laude. I obtained a bachelor degree in Physics cum laude at the University of Messina with a thesis on the Quantum theory of Photodetection. Then, I moved to Pisa in order to study theoretical physics at the “Enrico Fermi” Physics Department. Here I earned a master’s degree in 2017 with a final score of 110/110 cum laude. The topic of my thesis was the study of the critical behaviour of the RP^(N) model and my supervisor was Ettore Vicari. In particular, I carried out a comparison between the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson effective theory’s prediction and the numerical evidence obtained by means of Monte Carlo simulations. My current research interests focus on the study of complex systems by employing Information Theory observables. On my spare time I play volleyball and chess. I also enjoy cooking, reading and listening to (or playing) music. |
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Tuci Giulia Laurea: Pisa (2017) Ricerca: Ricerca di violazione di CP nei decadimenti del charm a LHCb. Supervisore: G.Punzi Stanza: numero Telefono: numero Piano studi: Fisica sper. alte energie II, Astrofisica extragallattica e cosmol. Tesi: titolo tesi dottorato Poi: dopo il dottorato |
I was born in Livorno and I grew up in Monsummano Terme, a small town near Pistoia. I attended Liceo Scientifico C.Salutati in Montecatini Terme, where I graduated in 2012. I studied Physics at the University of Pisa and I obtained my Master degree in 2017, choosing the Fundamental Interactions curriculum and performing my thesis within the LHCb collaboration. In 2015 I participated to the DESY Summer Student Programme, performing a small analysis with Fermi-LAT data. Outside of university I like playing clarinet and trekking. |